The Boy Baby Names Starting With G & Meaning

Baby Boy Names That Start With G,  girl names that start with a G for the daughter-to-be. Most Popular Baby Boy Names Starting with G in 2021, G Boys baby names beginning with the letter G, Christian boy names, girl names and unisex names starting with letter ‘G‘, In English-speaking countries, some of the most familiar gender-neutral names starting with G, Best Baby Names That Start With G.

GuriqbalGuriqbal collaborated with two words guru and iqbal.
GatikFast, progressive
Ganakaa mathematician, an astrologer, a collection of 8 stars
GirveshA name of Lord Shiva.
GagandeepA lamp in the sky.
GagneshLord shiva
GatraRefers to human body or physical appearance.
GreggThey are good leader then a follower
GautavBrings good fortune for family
GeethamThe founder of Bagavath Geetha, Lord Krishna.
GanakAn astrologer
GaganvihariOne who stays in heaven
Gurudevathe divine guru
GaurangFair complexioned
GungianExcellence of Devine Knowledge
GirikLord shiva
GanarupaOne who has the form of multitude
GargyaOne who belongs to the family of Ganga.
GaristhaRefers to honoured or respected person.
GigyanshOne who is curious
Guruviraa warrior of the guru
GaneshSon of lord shiva/parvati
GurjogGurjit collaborated with two words guru and jog
Gauravaglory, dignity, respect
GursimarGursimar collaborated with two words guru and simar
GargName of a saint
GovindarajGod Vishnu
GayanSinging, the sky
Gandhamadadelighting with perfume
GungeetSong of virtues
GirishGod of mountain
Gunjikareflection, meditation, humming
GrahishLord of the planets
Gokulaherd of cows
GaurravOne who the family is proud of
GeethikOne who is having very pleasing and wonderful voice talent.
GopinathKrishna / Lord of the Gopis
GurjanpalGurjanpal collaborated with two words guru and janpal
GaureshA name of lord shiva.
Guhyakahidden, secret
GunraajExcellent Kingdom
GokulA village near mathura
GauravdeepThe up lighter of splendour and beauty.
GundaatBlessed with Virtues
GranthikAstrologer , narrator
GadinLord Krishna
GangaadattOne of the Asian rivers.
GistrerthAn over sensitive and friendly natured
GrihithUnderstood , accepted
GanapathyAnother name of Lord Ganesha.
GandharinAnother name of Lord Shiva.
GyandevLord of knowledge gagan
GandharvMaster in musicgandhi sun
GagneshLord Shiva
GoutamName of lord buddha
GangaiahAnother name of ganga river.
GramercyThey are idealistic and love to live in dreams
GuruprasadBlessings of Guru
GajendraElephant king
GadhadharName of lord vishnu
GangaichelvanSon of Ganga River
GauravpreetKind or affection of exaltation.
GanavAn idealistic person
GirivarLord Krishna
GaganSky, heaven
Girimountain, cloud ball
GurdeepLight of the teacher
GauravHonour, pride, respect
GaribnivajOne who sponsors the poor people.
GadinLord krishna
GurnandSon of Guru
GajananLord Ganapati
GanapathiThe Lord of people, Hindu deity
GarjaRefers to bold and courageous.
GirikLord Shiva
GuneetpaulPreserver of Excellence
GaurikOne who will rise to heights
GautamLord buddha
GhanasyamaAs dark as a cloud, another name for krsna
GaurishLord shiva
GandivaThe bow of Arjuna
GhatinName of Lord Shiva
GirilalLord Shiva
GunkeeratThe One Who Sings the Excellence of God
GajendranathOwner of gajendra
GandhikaVery nice and sweet smell.
GirilalaThe meaning of the name is Son of Lord of the Mountain
GistinusGistinus maeans The Just One.
GirvaanLanguage of god
GajanandLord ganesh
GajananOne with elephant face
GandhaaA sweet smelling
GladwinnThe meaning of the name is A Joyful Friend.
GangeshLord shiva
GhuruvaranOne that is a guide or gives advice
GloverThe name Glover means A maker or a Seller of Gloves
GnandanAn idealistic, versatile and lovable being
GunaBestowed with qualities
Ganaa troop; the demi god attendants of siva and surya
GauresaGoddess Gauri, Noble of Gauri.
GogulaLord Krishna
GurinderjeetGuriderpal means the victory of god on the person’s heart.
GarutmatThe one who performs as anti-poison, who is having wings.
GavinWhite Hawk
GanakaOne who calculates
GiridhariGiridhari means The One Who Holds The Mountain
GajrupLord ganesh
GurmeetFriend of the guru
Gayanwhere objects move, the sky
GuillelmusA fearless defender who can do anything to protect his belov…
GandharajKing of fragrance
GharmanAn Indian word meanin cauldron
Gajendralord of elephants, another name for airavata
GredlanThey are very challenging and mentaly very strong
GrihithUnderstood, Accepted
GhanshyamLord krishna
GeetinderRefers to the lyrics or songs written by the emperor.
GurditOne born with guru’s blessing
GawtamOne who enlightens
GiridharOne who holds mountain
GankappaA name given to the father of snakes; powerful
GatitalinThe one who is having the talent of music.
GratianaGratian means the person who is grateful
GopalKrishna, cowherd
GambhirThoughtful and severe.
GatnivaasWho lives in an independent kingdom or country.
GursewakServant of Guru
GajaadharWho can command an elephant
GangadwaraThe gateway of river Ganges
GuneetwantMost Excellent
GaurishankarPeak of the himalayas
Gandharvacelestial musician
GiridariGiridari name means Lord Krishna
GunsangatMerits of Holiness
GeethikThe holder of a sweet voice
Gavaksabull’s eye, window
GreelyThey are very disciplined and act very quickly to when oppurtinity strikes
GayakaThe one who could sing very well.
Gunadharabearer of attributes
GajbaahuWho has strength of an elephant
GianchetanOne that is aware of the divine knowlegde
GambheerDeep, serious
GunterThe name Gunter comes from the Germanic name Gundahar and means War, Army and Warrior. This was the name of a semi-legendary 5th-century Burgundian king.
GianbhagatOne devoted to divine knowlegde
GangadharHolding the ganga, lord shiva
GajkaranLike ears of elephant
GarbhaName of the innermost sanctum of hindu temple
GeevemFaithful, competitive and a challenging name; heat
GhatajaA person who was born from a pitcher
GanarajLord of the clan
GavyaGarden of God
GnanaMurugangod murugan
GunjogUnion with Virtue.
GanapatiLord ganesh
Gavasthirasteady light
GomantakLand Similar To Paradise, Fertile Land & Good Waters
GadivaA powerful Arjunan bow
GanehPerson with a multitude of luck
GangesaLord or master of Ganga river.
GoswameeMaster Of Cows
GavishtAbode of light
GiandheerOne that seeks eternal knowlegde
GaurinathLord shiva
GandharajKing of fragrance
Ghatakarparaa collection of weapons, one of the 9 great poets of sanskrit
Girirajking of the mountain
GopiProtector of cows (female)
GiridharaThe meaning of the name is The One Who Lifts the Mountain
GirivardhanA name of Lord Venkateshwara.
GlywysThe name Glywys means The King from the Valley
GannonThe god of silence
GirvanLanguage of God
GaurabhOne who gives importance for honour
Guruprasadathe blessing of the guru
GyandevLord of Knowledge
GaurinandanSon of gauri -lord ganesh
Gauramukhamoon faced, son of sage samika