Caesar Latin Emperor
Calvin Latin. Bald?
Carey Wells, the man who lives in the castle
Carl Germany the great man
Carr Norway People who live in the swamp
Carter United Kingdom
Cash Latin, vanity admirer, cash
Cecil latin hazy vision
Cedric Celtic war commander; generous
Chad British experienced fighter
Channing French priest
Chapman British merchant; hawker
Charles Latin-Teunic strong, male, noble heart, strong
Chasel Ancient France Hunter
Chester Rome wn
Christ Hebrew Christ
Christian Greece Followers and believers of Christ
Chrispher Greece A messenger or servant of Christ, meaning a Christian
Clare Latin, clear-headed
Clarence Latin clear mind; clever; famous
Clark Latin and the United Kingdom A scholar
Claude Latin Lame
Clement Latin, kind and kind person
Cleveland United Kingdom People from the Rocks
Cliff United Kingdom A man from a steep mountain
Clyde Wells can hear it from far away
Colbert British crew
Colby, Norway, a man from a dark place
Colin Gale child or baby
Conrad Teunic Helper, Wisdom; Menr
Corey Scotland People who live by the lake
Cornelius Latin Horn of the Sun; Symbol of Kingship
Cornell France Blonde Haired Man
Curitis French polite
Cyril Greek noble
Dana Britain is as pure and radiant as the sun
Daniel Hebrew God is my adjudicar
Darcy France refers people from the big castle, black
Darnell Hebrew God is my adjudicar
Darren, Ireland, a person with the potential of Chengda career
Dave Hebrew loved one
David Hebrew loved one
Dean United Kingdom Valley; school leader; church leader
Dempsey Gal, a proud and powerful man
Dennis the Greek God of Bacchus
Derrick ruler of the German nation
Devin Ireland means poet or scholar
Dick Germany. Brave, bold?
Dominic Latin belongs God
Don Celtic World Leader
Donahue Ireland Rufous Warrior
Donald Celtic World Leader; Chief
Douglas Gael A man from the Black Sea; dark gray
Drew Wells, a smart and honest man
Duke Latin Duke; leader
Duncan Gaelic brown warrior; tanned warrior
Dunn UK means people with dark skin
Dwight Teunic White or blond person
Dylan Wells Ocean; God of Waves
Earl Britain, a noble leader with keen wisdom
Ed England, a wealthy guardian
Eden Hebrew Garden of Eden, light and happiness
Edgar British Happy Warrior
Edmund United Kingdom wealthy protecr
Edison UK A person who enriches himself by taking care of others
Edward United Kingdom, a wealthy property guardian
Edwiin United Kingdom rich friend; valuable friend
Egbert Teunic, very talented, prominent
Eli Hebrew great, outstanding
Elijah Hebrew Jehovah is God
Elliot, Hebrew, France, a pious person who believes in God
Ellis Hebrew God is the Savior
Elmer British noble or famous
Elroy latin royal, king
Eln United Kingdom Old Farm
Elvis Teunic noble; friend?
Emmanuel Hebrew God is with us
Enoch Greece, Hebrew pious
Eric Scandinavia leader
Ernest Germany An enthusiastic, true or sincere person
Eugene Greek and Latin have noble blood
Evan Celtic, a famous man
Everley UK refers the field where wild boars fight
Fabian Roman Bean Growers
Felix Latin happy or lucky
Ferdinand Teunic travel, adventurous; seeking peace
Fitch British blonde
Ford the british river ferry?
Francis Latin free man, unfettered man
Frank France free man
Franklin Latin or German free man
Frederic Germany A ruler led by peace; powerful and wealthy
Gabriel Hebrew God’s male servant; God’s power is very powerful
Gale Ireland singing; stranger
Gary Teunic Man with Spear; Hound
Gavin Ireland The Eagle of War, Eagle of Vicry
Gene Greece, Latin has noble blood
Geoffrey France Divine Peace
George Greek Farmer
Gerald Teunic Brave Warrior
Gilbert Teunic Oath; Hostage
Giles Greece Shield Bearer
Glenn Celtic narrow valley
Godfery France God of Peace
Gordon British hero; strong man
Greg Greece The Watchful Man
Gregary Greece The Watchful Man
Griffith Wells A powerful person who protects his homeland; rosy
Grover United Kingdom People who live in a grove
Gustave Germany or Sweden war
Guy British leader; wise
【Female 】
Camille Latin, a noble woman of good character
Candice Latin passionate, frank, pure
Cara Italy friend; dear
Carol France, singing, sweet and cheerful song
Caroline Teunic, brave, robust and strong
Catherine Greece Pure Man
Cathy Greece Pure Man
Cecilia Latin people with poor eyesight, blind
Celeste Latin, the happiest person, of heaven
Charlotte France strong and feminine
Cherry France, a kind, rosy person like a cherry
Cheryl France, the cherished person
Chloe Greece youthful, beautiful
Christine Greece Followers and disciples of Christ
Claire Latin brilliant; bright; clever
Clara Latin bright; clever
Constance Latin, a firm and faithful man
Cora Greece Virgin; Girl
Coral Greece, France Coral or gift, colorful sne
Cornelia greece dogwood tree
Crystal Greece crystal clear ice, transparent soul, no deception
Cynthia Greece, the title of the moon goddess Diana
Daisy British Daisy
Dale United Kingdom A person who lives in a valley between hills
Dana Hebrew A person from Denmark; the mother of God; intelligent and pure
Daphne Greek mythology Laurel; Laurel Crown (Apollo’s favorite)
Darlene United Kingdom gentle and lovely; loving tenderly
Dawn United Kingdom Dawn, wake up, cheer up
Debby Hebrew Bee; Queen Bee
Deborah Hebrew Bee; Queen Bee
Deirdre Gale sad
Delia Greek Shepherdess
Denise Greece representative flower
Diana Latin Bright as a white painting; Goddess of the Moon
Dinah, Hebrew, the judged man, Jacob’s daughter
Dolores latin sadness, pain or regret
Dominic Latin belongs God
Donna Latina lady, lady, lady
Dora Greek God’s Gift
Doreen gift from the Greek god
Doris Greece From the sea; goddess of the sea
Dorothy Greece God’s Gift
Eartha Earth or soil; analogy of a person who is as sic as the earth
Eden Hebrew, a paradise in the Bible, a place of joy
Edith Ancient Britain Fighting; War
Edwina United Kingdom Valuable friend; gainer of property
Eileen Gail, bright, likable
Elaine France Bright; young deer
Eleanore France bright; prolific, fertile, and harvestable
Elizabeth Hebrew God’s Oath
Ella Teunic rch
Elma Greece, loving person, kind
Elsa Greece honest
Elsie Hebrew, Greece God’s Oath, Honest
Elva Scandinavia magical and intelligent
Elvira Latin Elf, Caucasian
Emily Teunic, Latin Diligent; a man with a loud and round voice
Emma Teunic Ancesr
Enid Celtic, so pure and flawless
Erica Teunic Powerful; Emperor; Ruler
Erin Gael Emerald set in the sea; peace, the source of tranquility
Esther Hebrew Star
Ethel British noble; noble birth
Eudora Greece Lovely gift, beautiful and pleasant
Eunice Greece happy vicry
Evangeline Greece Gospel messenger, gospel; angel
Eve Hebrew life; the mother of life who gives life
Evelyn Celtic life; easy get along with; pleasant person
Faithe Latin, a faithful person
Fanny France free man
Fay French Loyalty or loyalty; little fairy
Flora Latin flower; the god of flowers
Florence Celtic Flowering or beautiful
Frances Free man, free man
Freda Germany peace; leader
Frederica Teunic leader of peace